The first time you use Kloxo you will be greeted with an alert stating that there are "no DNS templates".
There is a link within the alert to add DNS templates. Click the link and you will be presented with the Add DNS template form.
In the DNS Template Name box, enter a suitable name for this template (e.g. My DNS Template).
For Web IPaddress select the IP address you wish to use as the main IP address for the web server (i.e. the IP that the web server will bind to).
For Mail IPaddress select the IP address that you would like to use for your mail server (i.e. the IP that your email server should bind to). For most people this is normally the same as the web server IP.
Primary and Secondary DNS entries should normally be set to something like and
Note that if you are hosting on the same Kloxo server, you will need glue records creating with your domain registrar for the ns1 and ns2 records of
This is necessary in order for and to be resolved by DNS clients, as otherwise the situation will arise where the .com DNS servers will inform clients that the DNS records for are held on and, but they won't be able to find the IP addresses for or as the .com DNS servers will keep referring them to and to find the IP! :(
A circular reference is created in this situation and a glue records are used to make sure it doesn't happen. The glue records for ns1 and ns2 will ensure that when a client attempts to resolve the DNS name to an IP address for either or, the .com DNS servers will be able to supply the IP/s.
Clients that require further guidance setting up the glue records or other DNS settings should raise a ticket with Farbyte support.