How To Upgrade Drupal 6.16 to 6.17 Print

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Drupal has recently released a maintenance update for Drupal 6 & we advise all clients utilising our Drupal hosting UK service to upgrade.

This is update 17 (6.17) for their popular Content Management System.

There are no security-related fixes in this release, but it is still advised that anyone running version 6.16 upgrade, as a number of bug fixes (55 in total) are taken into account.

This article gives a brief overview of bug fixes and the upgrade process from Drupal 6.16 to 6.17.

Fixes include:

  • session cookie handling
  • better processing of big XML-RPC payloads
  • better PostgreSQL compatibility
  • improved PHP 5.3 and PHP 4 compatibility
  • improved Japanese support in the search module
  • better browser compatibility of CSS and JS aggregation
  • improved logging for login failures

Upgrading Drupal is a bit more tricky than other CMS like Joomla.

An overview of the upgrade process follows.

  1. Make a full site backup via your cPanel account and download it to your local computer. You should have at least a backup of the following:
    1. sites/default/files directory from backup
    2. sites/default/settings.php from backup
    3. .htaccess
    4. any other files you have installed (i.e. sites/all/modules, sites/all/themes, sites/all/libraries, scripts/, etc
  2. Switch the site to 'offline' mode
  3. Switch the administration theme back to the default
  4. Turn off all non-core modules
  5. Delete all your current Drupal installation files
  6. Upload the new Drupal files.
  7. Restore your custom files from the backup. This includes:
    1. sites/default/files directory from backup
    2. sites/default/settings.php from backup
    3. .htaccess
    4. any other files you have installed (i.e. sites/all/modules, sites/all/themes, sites/all/libraries, scripts/, etc
  8. Login as the 'root' user (USER1)
  9. Run the update.php script (
  10. Remove the following files:
    1. /install.php
    2. /CHANGELOG.txt
    3. /INSTALL.txt
    4. /INSTALL.mysql.txt
    5. /INSTALL.pgsql.txt
    6. /LICENSE.txt
    7. /MAINTAINERS.txt
    8. /UPGRADE.txt
  11. Enable your theme
  12. Enable your modules
  13. Put the site in 'online' mode


As I said, pretty complicated in comparison with other CMS upgrades, but as Drupal users know, it's worth the effort.

Much of the upgrade complexity comes about because Drupal is a very modular CMS, which allows its user's unrestrained expansion possibilities and many would say, is the best platform with regards to site customisation.

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