A 'redirect' shows the content at one URL in place of other content.
Thus is you have a URL A pointing to content A, and URL B pointing to content B, you could for example setup a redirect on URL B to show the content normally shown using URL A.
This feature can also be used to ensure that all visitors to your website use the www.domain.com URLs, as opposed to the domain.com URL's.
Redirects are very easy to setup in our cPanel hosting accounts. The following will show you how to ensure all visitors use www based URLs when browsing your website:
- Login to your cPanel control panel
- Go to Domains -> Redirects
- Choose Permenant (301) if you would like visitors to use the new URL in the future, or Temporary (302) if you'd like visitos to go back to using the original URL at a later date.
- Select the domain from the dropdown list, leave the text box after the forward slach (/) empty.
- Choose the "do not redirect www" option to ensure that just the non-www based URLs are going to be redirected.
- Make sure 'Wild Card Redirect' is checked.